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Filtering by Tag: gear

Episode 16 Gavin Hawk

Nick Clayton

Episode 16 is Gavin Hawk of Hawk Knives. Gavin and his father bring out some of the most innovative designs in the industry. Their approach is more of an inventor or engineer. I hope you enjoy it! 

Their website is can be found here

The newest knife to hit the market is their Deadlock, a truly zero-bladeplay double action OTF. Awesome. I included a couple videos below, they give a great look at their unique setup. 

A quiet town in the mountains of Idaho is home to some of the world's most ingenious knife makers. Take a shop tour with them, then click here to buy their knife designs: Introduction and tepee music by Grant Hawk. Blade Magazine photo provided by Blade. Thank you Lori Hallman.

Episode 8 The Collector

Nick Clayton

This week's episode is an interview with one of the only true high end knife collectors that exists on social media. MindlessMark07 is in a class of collector that is rarely seen displaying his wares for all to enjoy. For that we thank him.

Auston can be found on YouTube as EpicSnuggleBunny here  

MindlessMark07 YouTube channel can be found here

Episode 3 Post-Blade Show

Nick Clayton

Another great (and long) conversation about Blade Show. This episode focused on the happenings of the show. Not just knives but the experience itself. Richard (Xmachiavelli) returned to share his insights and experiences. Enjoy!

Auston is EpicSnuggleBunny on YouTube (Found here)

Richard is Xmachiavelli on Instagram (Found here)

Episode 2 Pre-Blade Show

Nick Clayton

This weeks episode is all about the year thus far prior to Blade Show. We discuss a LOT of content; knives we like, knives we don't like, knives we are indifferent about. Lean back and enjoy the conversation because this was a long one. There was so much content, we had to invite a special guest!

Disclaimer: There is a bit of a delay with the skype call. I promise I'm not constantly cutting them off.....

For all the people attending Blade Show this year, take plenty of pictures! 

Auston is EpicSnuggleBunny on YT (Found here)

Richard is Xmachiavelli on Instagram (Found here)

The Modern Neanderthal Podcast Episode 1

Nick Clayton

Introducing The Modern Neanderthal Podcast! This week me and Auston discuss imported knives, some of the pros and cons as well as the trends and where the future is heading. Stay around for the end to hear the gear challenge of the week. Last week Auston and I took the cheap knife challenge. Listen in to find out how it went. 

Auston is EpicSnuggleBunny on YouTube and Instagram and I can be found at The Modern Neanderthal on instagram, the forums, and here at themodernneanderthal at