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Gear reviews including knives, pens, and lights. 

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Zero Tolerance ZT0456

Nick Clayton

The ZT0456 is a collaboration between Zero Tolerance Knives and Dmitry Sinkevich from Belarus build in Tualatin, Oregon.  Sinkevich has designed several Zero Tolerance models (the 0450 and 0452cf etc)  as well as several Kershaw models. (product page here)

The 0456 is a departure from Sinkevich's other ZT designs with it's short and stout build. The other designs have been more long and slender. The departure shouldn't be surprising to anyone familiar with Dmitry's custom work. The entire knife is only 7.7" in overall length with a 3.25" blade while weighing a hefty 6.6oz. 

The knife is constructed of two slabs of titanium. The handles are nicely milled and provide a nice angular aesthetic that works well and feel good in the hand. The milling is present and even on both sides. 

The lock features a stainless lock insert (as the flipper gods intended). And the action is smooth and fast. It is actually one of the smoother ZTs that I have handled. The flipper tab is well designed and points the user to the "push-button" method of deployment. It is possible, however, to use the "light-switch" method with just as much success. The knife uses Kershaw's KVT caged bearings for smoothness. 

The 0456 features several treatments that help to break up the stark grey finish of titanium. They come in the form of a blue pivot, pocket clip, and backspacer. The sample I have is pre-production so the color is a bit off on the pivot but ZT assures me they are working on it. 

The pocket clip will look familiar to anyone who owns a ZT0450 or ZT0808 save for the blue anodizing. The backspacer runs almost the full length of the spine of the handle and is very attractive. 

The blade on the 0456 is sheepsfoot style with a swedge that looks great and is made from Carpenter's CTS-204P (data sheet here). 204P is a highly wear and corrosion resistant steel. It is in the top tiers of knife blade steels and should serve you well. The shape of the blade really inspires confidence. It is stout but tall and should excel in most EDC tasks. I prefer this style to the traditional wharncliffe due to this having a more robust tip. 

Overall, the 0456 is a compelling package. There are several knives that come to mind when handling this knife and one of them is the Les George designed ZT0900. Now, I know the 0456 is larger but they are both knives that punch above their size (I would place knives like the Spyderco Techno in this category as well). After having handled and owned many of Zero Tolerance's products, the 0456 is right up there with the best of them.