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Gear reviews including knives, pens, and lights. 

Filtering by Tag: 0392

Zero Tolerance ZT0392

Nick Clayton

The ZT0392 is the latest collaboration between Rick Hinderer and Zero Tolerance Knives. The 0392 is a limited edition piece that is currently sold out. According to ZT, they will not be producing any more of these for sale (a little bird may have mentioned another model based off this design coming soon). The 0392 is based off Rick Hinderer's Eklipse model and is the first of the line ZT calls their "Factory Customs". I'll get into what that means along the way. 

The 0392 sports titanium on the show side and the lock side. The handles are nicely finished with no perceivable machining marks. The handles are stonewashed but have a bit of a darker color like a bead-blast. I believe ZT/Hinderer call this a working finish. This should do very well at hiding any wear over time. The handles are thick but not overly so. I like the balance they strike with them.

The standoffs, LBS, pocket clip, filler tabs, and pivot on the 0392 are all supplied directly from Hinderer's shop. On this model, they are anodized a nice subtle blue. The ability of ZT to manufacture the handle slabs to such a tolerance that Hinderer's hardware fits so well is a true testament to their manufacturing prowess. In fact, the only machining flaw on the knife is on one of the filler tabs by the pivot. I'm not saying Hinderer's quality is bad, it just says a lot about how good Zero Tolerance is. You can purchase replacement hardware on Rick's site to further customize your 0392. 

The Eklipse design leads to a fairly narrow package compared to the XM line and I find that this knife carries very well. The pocket clip is mounted high and hold the knife securely. I was unsure about the cutouts for your thumb and first two fingers but after holding it, I think they really add to the ergonomics.  There is a run of traction at the bottom of the handle but nothing on the spine. I appreciate this as there is no worry about hurting your finger during flipping. This knife also sports a stainless lock bar insert that acts as an over-travel stop in addition to the lock bar stabilizer. I think there is not a good reason for this other than ease of design. They were probably going to add an insert anyway and figured they might as well keep it congruent with their product line.

And it does flip. This has the heaviest detent of any knife I've owned (the previous record went to the 0801s110v). It took a minute to get used to but once you get it, this things has a fantastic action. The flipper tab is a bit pointy but if you use it like a light switch, there is no issue there.  It deploys with authority and locks up solidly using dual stop pins seated into the blade that directly contact the Ti handles. The stop pins are located in the place where thumb studs normally reside but they are not designed to be used to open the blade. As this is the intended design, I have no issue with them. 

The blade is a very attractive drop point design with a harpoon swedge. The blade profile is thinner than that of the XM series of knives and it gives the 0392 a sleek fast look. There is no choil on the blade which I appreciate as it gives more usable edge. I find that when a knife with a choil is inserted into material to cut, if your not there to stop it, the material will ride into the choil. The blade steel on the 0392 is CTS-204P. This is a carpenter steel analogous to Bohler M39 and DuraTech 20CV. It is a highly corrosion resistant steel with great wear resistance and good toughness. It's one of my favorite cutlery steels. 

The 0392 is one of the best knives to come out of the ZT factory that I've owned. I appreciate the lack of dress on the knife and it makes for a great EDC. It's a bit unfortunate that they are limited to what has already been sold but that doesn't detract from what is a fantastic knife.