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Gear reviews including knives, pens, and lights. 

Zero Tolerance ZT 0452cf

Nick Clayton

The time has finally come. The 0454 was a groundbreaking knife for ZT and the knife community. It caused a stir unlike anything I saw or have seen since. With such a fever surrounding it, it should come as no surprise that ZT released not one but two new knives based off the 0454 design. The first is the smaller 0450 and the next is the full size spiritual successor the 0452cf. 

The knife is very slim for what you are getting. This knife reminds me of a Spyderco Military but without the hole, a better blade to handle ratio, a clip on the correct end.... OK scratch that, it's nothing like the Military. But it is nice and thin. 

The 0452cf is a lean long knife. With a blade length of 4.1" it is the largest blade I own in a folding knife. The shape is a nice classic drop point with a full swedge. The blade is fairly short, however, giving it a thin, sharp, and long profile. The grinds have all been left polished and the flats stonewashed. This two tone look is not as pronounced on this design as some of the others but it does not detract from the attractiveness. 

The steel is CPM-S35VN, a standard of the knife industry at this point. The move to S35VN from Elmax is a smart one. It allows them to get more knives into the hands of the customers while not losing any appreciable performance. The edge was very sharp and the point is nice and well.. pointy.

There is a run of traction on the top of the spine as well as the front when the knife is closed. That section is clearly for aesthetics only. The flipper tab is perfectly shaped. Allowing for either method of deployment. 

The handle consists of Titanium on the lock side and a carbon fiber scale over a liner on the other. I wish I could tell you what the stonewash was like on mine but as you can see, mine has already undergone a unique anodized finish. The Liner side is the same carbon fiber used on the 0562cf and it works well in it's appearance as well as provide decent traction. It's a nice balance.

The pivot is straight of the Kershaw Ruby and really fits this knife's look. It is coated black in the recesses and polished on the surface. 

The lock features a stainless lock insert that has become par for the course on new ZTs. The lockbar is short and provides good lock engagement but is still easy to release. 

The action on the 0452cf has been the subject of much discussion recently due to it's strong detent (another feature par for the course for new ZTs). I find it perfectly dialed in on my example. I can light switch or push button the flipper tab and it opens every time. The knife is very smooth and will only get smoother as it breaks in. 

This knife was long awaited for me. I missed out on the OG 0454 and I am glad to see this in the lineup. The knife is long and sharp but sits well in a slacks or jean pocket. This one of my favorite knives that has come out in recent years and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes knives in this category.