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Gear reviews including knives, pens, and lights. 

Filtering by Tag: les george

Zero Tolerance ZT 0900

Nick Clayton

The ZT 0900 is an offering in a new spirit for Zero Tolerance. ZT used to be a division dedicated to the overbuilt and the oversized. The smallest knife they had at one point was the not-so-small 0350. Then last year, the company released two models that somewhat bucked that trend. The 0566 and the 0770 were two knives that were smaller and more pocket-friendly than the established group. I'm willing to bet those models were very successful for ZT because this year we have knives like the 0900 and the 0450. 

The 0900 is the shortest knife ZT has ever produced. With a blade length of 2.7", it is significantly smaller than the previous record holders, the 0770 and 0566 (both around 3.25"). The knife is interesting, though, in that it is not necessarily small. Yes it is short, but it is pretty heavy for that length (4.3oz) and is much thicker than, say, the 0770 for example. It is firmly in the "little-big knife" category. That is not a bad thing, though, as similar models (like the Spyderco Techno) have been favorites in the knife community. 

The 0900 is designed buy Les George of Les George Knives. Les is known in the knife community for his customs, "mid-tech's", and production collaborations. For the 0900 he brings his Harpy model. The blade shape is purely Les' with a simple drop point with a good amount of belly and a spine that meets a row of thick cut traction. The chunky jimping pattern is a signature of his designs. The blade material is Crucible S35VN, a fine powdered steel that is great for EDC uses. Going along with the overall theme of the knife, the blade stock is a hearty 4mm. Taking 4mm down to the edge and tip of such a small blade using a flat grind is naturally going to result in a relatively thick cutting edge and tip. Filet knife, this is not. 

The handle of the knife is composed of two titanium slabs with a frame lock cut out for right hand use. The lock cutout does have a unique pattern that adds a little something to the design. The handle is larger than the blade and enough to get a good solid grip on the knife. 

There is a little milling on the slabs that break up the flatness and It looks good. Going along with ZT's new more sterile look is the addition of the words "ZERO TOLERANCE" on the show side of the handle along with the subtraction of any markings on this side of the blade. I like. 

The pivot  closely matches some others we have seen but this one is not black but satin. In fact, the hardware on the knife is all the same satin. I prefer this to the black coated parts as it will wear much better over time. 

The action..... The action is amazing. The combination of a great flipper design, smooth pivot bearings, and lightweight blade make this a rocket of a flipper. 

With pressure, it will fire with authority and without is just as addicting. My "touring test" for flippers is if my wife can operate it. She carried this knife for weeks and absolutely loved it. Not only could she flip it, but could do so effortlessly (My wife is 5'4" 105lbs). This is one of the best designed flippers I've ever used, it's really that good.

Rumor has it that Les is working on another offering with ZT and I really hope is is a larger version of this knife. That would be a home run if this knife is any indication. I think the trend towards smaller designs is a good one for ZT. I love my 0452cf and I wouldn't trade that knife for this, but I appreciate the design and function of this knife so much, I want them to keep doing it.